A Course in Miracles Study Group Hobart Tasmania Australia

A Course in Miracles

Chapter 10: God and the Ego.

Section I: Introduction.

First Edition Page: 193, Sparkly Edition Page: 233,

Third Edition Page: 193 – Chapter 11: God or the Ego

Either God or the ego is insane. If you will examine the evidence ON BOTH SIDES fairly, you will realize that this MUST be true. Neither God nor the ego proposes a partial thought-system. Each is internally consistent, but they are diametrically opposed in all respects, so that partial allegiance is impossible. But remember that their results are as different as their foundations, and their fundamentally irreconcilable natures CANNOT be resolved by YOUR vacillations. Nothing alive is fatherless, for life is creation. Therefore, your decision is always an answer to the question, “Who is my father?” And you WILL be faithful to the father you choose.

10:2 Yet what would you say to someone who REALLY believed this question involves conflict? If YOU made the ego, how can the ego have made YOU? The authority problem remains the ONLY source of perceived conflict, because the ego was MADE out of the wish of God’s Son to father HIM. The ego, then, is nothing more than a delusional system in which YOU MADE YOUR OWN FATHER. Make no mistake about this. It sounds insane when it is stated with perfect honesty, but the ego never looks upon what it does with perfect honesty. Yet that IS its insane premise, which is carefully hidden in the dark cornerstone of its thought-system. And either the ego, which you made, IS your father, or its whole thought-system will not stand.

The Denial of God.
Projection Versus Extension.

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